Toronto Maple Leafs Centennial
• With the Toronto Maple Leafs Centennial coming up I've been busy working with a few groups in Toronto restoring and colourizing 75+ year old photographs of Maple Leafs greats that have long since past. It's been a humbling experience being a part of a project like this. Honestly I've never been a Maple Leafs fan but I know how rich and great their history is and how import this up coming season is to the organization. Here are a few example of some of the images in the process of being colourized.
“If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with.” ― L. Frank Baum
Home is where the heart is
I can't express in words how great it feel to be back home on the West coast. Even though my address on my drivers license said Toronto, ON the past 6 years I always referred to the West coast as home. However I wouldn't give up nor do I regret my time spent in the Big Smoke. My one regret is that it took me moving away to realize how much this part of country meant to me, how special and rare loyal friendship is and how import family is. I happy and content with all of my accomplishments in Toronto and to the people there that help reach those heights I thank you from the bottom of my heart.